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Child Custody

Child custody is called conservatorship in Texas. Conservatorship includes various rights, including but not limited to the right to make important decisions for a child, receive information about the child’s welfare, have access to the child’s medical and educational records, and consent to medical treatment.

In a child custody case involving children, your children’s emotional, mental, and physical care needs to be protected during and after a divorce or conservatorship matter. Our lawyers can help you fight to protect your child’s best interests. This could take the form of joint managing conservatorship if you and the other parent are prepared to co-parent your children, or sole managing conservatorship if it is in your children’s best interests to remain in your care alone.

Parents may try to design their own plan for conservatorship, but if they cannot resolve their differences, a judge or jury may decide the matter.

There are different forms of child custody that can be decided for you and your ex-partner:

  • Sole custody: one parent is the lone parent who can make decisions pertaining to the children.
  • Split custody: there are two children and each parent has sole custody of one child.
  • Joint custody: pertains to legal custody to make decisions for the child, physical custody where the child lives, and a combination of legal and physical custody.

Contact Kuteyi Law Group to schedule a consultation with one of our family law attorneys.


A Firm With Your Family In Mind

The attorneys at Kuteyi Law Group are dedicated to putting you and your family in the best position. As an immigration and family law firm, we understand that our client’s cases impact not only their livelihood but the things we hold most dear, family.